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Informed Insights that Improve Revenue and Control Costs

From a benefits package review to increasing pricing across your portfolio.

Learn how business owners use Rampart to: 

  • Leverage economies of scale
  • Understand risks and liabilities
  • Get the latest market insights

Get a free audit, benchmarked rates, and a risk assessment.

Grow your Business Profitably

Optimize your costs

Stop managing multiple plans. Streamline your administration, avoid legal and accounting mishaps, and improve efficiencies across your organizations. 

Get peace of mind knowing your insurance spending is fair, cost-effective, and to the benefit of your employees. 

rampart - Group benefits costs

Make informed decisions about risks and liabilities

Worry less about the unknowns. We identify gaps in your coverage, discover problem areas that could cost you long-term, and help you stay on top of compliance. 

find the gaps

The latest market insights to lead with confidence

Falling behind in best practices means lost dollars and potential employee churn. 

We keep you up-to-date with research, trends, and market analysis so you can be proactive in your decision-making. 

rampart - data informed decisions

At Rampart, we're dedicated to helping business owners with advanced cost containment strategies to achieve a delicate balance between cost control and employee satisfaction. Gain access to innovative cost management tools, such as data-driven benchmarking, strategic vendor partnerships, and employee education programs.

Follow us, stay informed, and don't hesitate to get in touch for a benefits consultation.

Feel confident that you're getting the best value for your company and its employees.

Get a free audit that includes a benchmark plan design and risk assessment