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The Future of Group Benefits

Streamline administration, promote wellness, and mitigate business risk to fuel business growth.
Our solutions create value for your organization and its most important asset:
your people

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Attract and Retain Top Talent 

Employees seek more than just a paycheque. 

We’ll help you unlock better benefits, protect your employees, and support your business growth.

most popular employee benefits-1

Streamline Your Administrative Processes

Move from antiquated methods of administration (e.g. Excel) into a seamless integration between benefits, payroll, and HR systems. 

By synchronizing your benefits, you'll have a single, user-friendly interface for all your administrative needs. 

type of HR software integrations and the percentage of HR professionals who use it

Prioritizing Your Employees' Well-Being 

A healthy workforce is a productive workforce. 

By proactively investing in your employees' well-being, you can control long-term costs and foster a thriving work environment. We help you create a culture of well-being without any additional costs.

healthy workforce is a productive workforce
Value-added Solutions Tailored for You

The landscape of group benefits is rapidly evolving, with many third-party providers entering the scene. 

We provide an a la carte approach to employee benefits empowering you to handpick products from wellness programs to mental health support and employee assistance plans that align with your employees' needs.

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What our customers are saying
David MacMillan-1
colleen federachuck
Yvonne Chan-1
michael ford
aly testimonial

Update your employee benefits.

Rampart is here to help you find the best package to satisfy all stakeholders.